Haru Smith
Board Certified Massage Therapist

My Credentials

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork is the highest voluntary credential a massage therapist can obtain within the profession—it goes above and beyond the requirements for entry-level state licensure. By becoming Board Certified, I represent a community of therapists who have gone above the standard educational and work experience requirements with a dedicated and lifelong commitment to continuing education. Furthermore, I live up to higher standards and ethics that are required by The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

To achieve Board Certification, I had to provide a proof of a minimal 750 hours of massage and bodywork education, 250 hours of professional, hands-on work experience, pass a criminal background check, agree to uphold NCBTMB's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, and pass the Board Certification Exam. By passing the Board Certification exam and meeting all necessary requirements, I am able to employ advanced assessment and critical thinking skills, as well as a commitment to excellence. I hold this credential with great pride in my profession.

Specialty Certificate in Clinical Rehabilitative Massage (NCBTMB)

Through the Academy of Clinical Massage and The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), I have earned a "Specialty Certificate" in Clinical Rehabilitative Massage.  This is comprehensive and rigorous training which encompasses advanced orthopedic studies of movement therapy and pain management. 

To achieve this specialty diploma, I have completed a 160-hour, nationally-recognized and accredited program through the Academy of Clinical Massage and passed a specialty exam through NCBTMB that focused on key facets of rehabilitation science.  Intensive studies included were anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, pathology, kinesiology, clinical reasoning, and treatment planning. I also had to complete many hands-on workshops to further my advanced orthopedic massage training in the assessment and treatment of pain and injury conditions. I have been trained by instructors who use a diversity of modalities and techniques to provide a wide range of treatment options.  This specialty designation demonstrates the advanced knowledge and experience necessary for working with musculoskeletal pain and injury complaints.

This Specialty Program in Clinical Rehabilitative Massage is recognized by the massage therapy profession's only certification board (NCBTMB) as well as other highly respected instructors and clinicians in the field of massage and bodywork worldwide.