Haru Smith
Board Certified Massage Therapist

More Info

To receive a copy of my business information pamphlet, please call me at (828) 696-7860 and I will gladly mail it out to you.  You may also stop by my workplace and pick that information up directly.

Generally, I am booked a year in advance; however, if you are new and are interested in seriously getting well, please contact me and I will check my availabilities to accommodate you.

With pain management and structural realignment therapies, it will usually take 3-4 consecutive visits before achieving a "balancing" point and understanding of the issues. At the end of these visits, we will develop a maintenance schedule customized for your specific needs. I cannot force or rush your body to get well so we need to be realistic with treatment expectations.  We will also work as a team to ensure the best possible outcome for your specific needs.   

I look forward to hearing from you as a team to get you well again!